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Termini e condizioni

Privacy policy 

Ateka parts S.A.S di Luis Muratori

Sede legale : Viale Francesco Laurana 1/A 

Rimini (RN)

Servizio al cliente da lunedì a venerdì 9:30 a 19:30

E-mail : info@atekaparts.com

Partita IVA 04696940404

aa logo


All trademarks mentioned and logos shown on this website belong to their legitimate owners. These brands are mentioned on this website for informational purposes only. We therefore declare that Ateka parts S.A.S has no rights over them except for its own. 

Terms and Conditions of Sale
Prices, photos and descriptions
The sales prices of the products illustrated on our Ateka parts sas website include taxes. Delivery costs are indicated when completing the cart while they will be excluded if the amount of the products is greater than or equal to €200, except for promotions. The photos do not always portray the actual product sold, but are demonstrative, you must always check the information contained in the title and description. All data published in the advertisements are considered valid, except for errors and/or omissions in transcription, in the title, price, description or photo.
Ateka Parts sas operates in Italy and abroad, through electronic and manual tools in compliance with the Code and current legislation on privacy.

All data acquired cannot be used for purposes other than those indicated above and will be kept for the period necessary to achieve them. After this deadline, the data will be deleted or transformed into anonymous form. For detailed data on purchases and services, retention times will not be longer than those established by current legislation.



Right of withdrawal
Pursuant to the articles. 64 and following of Legislative Decree 6 September 2005, n. 206, if the customer is a consumer (i.e. a natural person who purchases the goods for purposes not related to his professional activity, or does not make the purchase by indicating a VAT number in the order form to Ateka parts sas), he has right to withdraw from the purchase contract for any reason, without any penalty and without prejudice to what is indicated in point 3 below.

To exercise this right, the customer must send an email with acknowledgment of receipt within 14 days from the date of receipt of the goods to info@atekaparts.com

The goods must be returned by prior agreement with Ateka parts sas always with return of the goods to Italy.

The right of withdrawal is however subject to the following mandatory conditions:

- the right applies to the product purchased in its entirety; it is not possible to exercise withdrawal only on part of the purchased product (e.g. accessories, attachments, etc...);
o the purchased good must be intact and returned in the original packaging, complete in all its parts (including packaging and any documentation and accessory equipment: manuals, cables, etc...); to limit damage to the original packaging, we recommend, when possible, to insert it in a second box; in all cases, affixing labels or adhesive tapes directly to the original packaging of the product should be avoided;

- shipping costs relating to the return of the goods are borne by the customer;

- the shipment, until receipt is certified in our warehouse, is under the complete responsibility of the customer;

- in the event of damage to the goods during transport, Ateka parts sas will notify the customer of the incident (within 5 working days of receipt of the goods in its warehouses), to allow him to promptly file a complaint against the courier he has chosen and obtain reimbursement of the value of the property (if insured); in this case, the product will be made available to the customer for its return, simultaneously canceling the withdrawal request;

Ateka parts sas is not responsible in any way for damage or theft/loss of goods returned by uninsured shipments;


Without prejudice to any restoration costs for ascertained damage to the original packaging, Ateka parts sas will reimburse the customer the amount already paid, including shipping costs (with the exception of additional costs such as for example cash on delivery costs or all costs of collection in general, and any order management and/or reimbursement costs incurred by Ateka parts sas within 14 days of the return of the goods, through the cancellation procedure of the amount charged to the credit card (deducted 3% of the total of the order on the invoice for Visa collection costs), issuing a discount voucher to be spent on subsequent purchases on Ateka parts sas, or by bank transfer (the cost of the bank transfer for the refund will be deducted). customer promptly provide the bank details on which to obtain the refund (IBAN Code ABI - CAB - Current Account of the order holder).

The right of withdrawal is totally lost, due to the lack of the essential condition of integrity of the goods (packaging and/or its contents), in cases where Ateka parts sas.


- the lack of the external packaging and/or the original internal packaging;

- the absence of integral elements of the product (accessories, cables, manuals, parts, ...) or anomalies in the product itself;

- damage to the product for reasons other than its transport.

The consumer cannot exercise the right of withdrawal if he purchases for purposes related to his own entrepreneurial or professional work activity, i.e. if he has purchased with a VAT number, with the relative issuing of an invoice.

In the event of forfeiture of the right of withdrawal, Ateka parts sas will return the purchased goods to the sender, charging the shipping costs and any other costs incurred.



Defective or damaged
We give maximum attention and commitment throughout the order processing phase up to the packaging of the goods, however, from time to time, errors may occur. Please accept our apologies from this moment on if the product received is not the one you ordered, or if it arrived damaged or defective. As part of our objectives, we will do our best to resolve your request quickly, easily and without inconvenience.
We will analyze each return request individually; in some cases we may ask you for further information, for example some photos, so that we can choose the best actions to take. Our aim is to provide the best solution, in the shortest time possible. As a general rule, we will always also cover the return costs in the event of an error on our part, such as:

Wrong product

Product visibly damaged

Visibly defective product

We will not refund shipping if the return is due to the fact that you no longer want the item in question. These costs will have to be borne by you and we therefore recommend that you use an insured shipping service. A refund will not be possible if any damage or defect reported does not depend on errors caused by us. The costs of re-shipping the product will be communicated to you as soon as we complete our checks. In any case, cash on delivery costs will not be reimbursed as they are considered ancillary costs intended for third parties.


1. All products marketed by Ateka parts sas are covered by the manufacturer's conventional warranty or by the 24-month warranty for defects of conformity, pursuant to Legislative Decree no. 24/02. To benefit from warranty assistance, the Customer must keep the document that he will receive together with the purchased goods. If it has not been sent, it must be requested via email.


2. La garanzia convenzionale del produttore viene fornita secondo le modalità illustrate nella documentazione presente al´interno della confezione del prodotto. Se, a seguito di intervento da parte di un Centro Assistenza Autorizzato, il difetto dovesse risultare non coperto dalla garanzia convenzionale del produttore, al Cliente saranno addebitati gli eventuali costi di verifica e ripristino richiesti dal´Assistenza Autorizzata, non chè i costi di trasporto, se sostenuti da Ateka parts sas .

3. La garanzia di 24 mesi ai sensi del del DLgs n. 24/02 si applica al prodotto che presenti un difetto di conformità, purchè lo stesso sia utilizzato correttamente, nel rispetto della sua destinazione d´uso e di quanto previsto nella documentazione tecnica allegata. Tale garanzia, in ossequio al Dlgs. N. 24/92, è riservata solo al Consumatore privato (persona fisica che acquista la merce per scopi non riferibili alla propria attività professionale, ovvero effettua l´acquisto senza indicare nel modulo d´ordine un riferimento di Partita IVA). In caso di difetto di conformità, Ateka parts sas provvede, senza spese per il Cliente, al ripristino della conformità del prodotto mediante riparazione/sostituzione. Se, a seguito di intervento da parte di un Centro Assistenza Autorizzato, non dovesse risultare un difetto di conformità ai sensi del DLgs n. 24/02, al Cliente saranno addebitati gli eventuali costi di verifica e ripristino richiesti dall´Assistenza Autorizzata, nonchè i costi di trasporto se sostenuti da Ateka parts sas 
4. Le sostituzioni in caso di DOA (Dead On Arrival: prodotto non funzionante al primo montaggio accensione o utilizzo), fatta salva la sussistenza dei presupposti per l’applicazione del DLgs n. 24/02, saranno effettuate solo se espressamente previste dal produttore. I tempi di sostituzione o eventuale riparazione del prodotto dipendono esclusivamente da quelli indicati dal produttore.

5. Nell’ipotesi in cui, per qualsiasi ragioneAteka parts sas Italia non fosse in grado di sostituire un prodotto in garanzia (ripristinato o sostituito), potrà procedere, previo consenso del cliente, alla sostituzione del prodotto stesso (se ancora a listino) oppure con altro di pari caratteristiche e valore o, infine, al rilascio di un buono sconto di pari importo spendibile su un altro prodotto a catalogo.

6. Nessun danno può essere richiesto a Ateka parts sas per eventuali ritardi nell´effettuazione di riparazioni o sostituzioni di prodotti in garanzia.

7. Nei casi in cui l´applicazione delle garanzie preveda la restituzione del prodotto, il bene dovrà essere restituito dal Cliente nella confezione originale, completa in tutte le sue parti (compresi imballo ed eventuale documentazione e dotazione accessoria: manuali, cavi, ecc...); per limitare danneggiamenti alla confezione originale, raccomandiamo, quando possibile, di inserirla in una seconda scatola; va evitata in tutti i casi l´apposizione di etichette o nastri adesivi direttamente sulla confezione originale del prodotto.